Here are some pics that were taken on Preston's 7th Birthday. (Well, almost - one additional of Jacob that I thought was to cute not to share). I gave Preston a choice of what he wanted to do for his birthday and of coarse he chose bowling. He loves bowling right now. Hope he doesn't get to sick of it when we get back to GA. He is in a bowling league and will have to play catch up for the games he has missed while we have been on vacation. So, he will be playing a lot of bowling when we get back. He had a really good time at his birthday party. We just did the bowling at the bowling alley then came back and had pizza then cake. I got the cake from Krogers and I asked the pastry chef there to right Happy Birthday Preston on the cake. She did, but I didn't notice until I got home and started taking pics of the cake that she wrote it upside down! Crazy! But, Preston likes his cake nonetheless, so didn't matter I guess. More pics to come later of our weekend at the lake.
Vroom Vroom
He had just gotten a spare
And so did someone else!
Yeah!!! Clapping for big brother!
At one point all three kiddos were tied
Preston ended up winning though
Preston's upside down birthday cake