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Monday, January 23, 2012


Didn't get a chance to do a blog for yesterday, so here is yesterday's and today's.  Jacob is getting really good at clapping.  He started to clap on 1/15.  He likes to clap at almost everything now.  So proud of himself.  It is really cute.  Both Preston and Emily were given the chore of cleaning their rooms to be able to go to Chuck E Cheese on Sunday.  They had all weekend to do it, but neither one of them really put any effort into cleaning their rooms.  Emily's room in fact looks even worse than it did at the start of the weekend!  So, needless to say, no Chuck E Cheese this weekend.  Maybe they will want to earn it next weekend.  They have already lost a lot of toys by not keeping their rooms clean.  I packed up a ton and put them in the garage.  Told them they could earn them back if they could keep their room clean with what they still have.  Well, they haven't earned the rest of their toys back either.  So, will see what next weekend brings.  I may have to take a few more toys away, who knows.  Preston got mad at pretty much everyone this weekend and wrote everyone a note. 
Emily's Note:
Emily I dot wut to see you ene mor be kus you or men to me. 
Dean's Note:
Dadde I ges you dot wut to see me and I dot wut you to nock on my dor!
My Note:
Mom I ges you  dot wut to see me ene moir be kus I tript you on a d diks (accident).  I did not on prpis ouk kdey (okie dokey).
Jacob's note (the only nice one):
Jakub I ges I wut to see you evre day Jakub.

He has recently started to write notes to us when he gets upset.  He does it almost every time he gets sent to his room.  Such a sensitive boy. 
Emily is so funny, her new thing to say is "When I was ____ age, I was/did ______."  She told me when I was your age, I swam with the dolphins.   Later she said, When I was Preston's age, I was a boy.  She is silly.  Such an imagination.  I think she has an imaginary friend.  Not 100% on that, but I caught her saying come on and waiving behind her when she was leaving my room the other day.  I know she wasn't talking to me, so it made me wonder if she was talking to an imaginary friend.  Not sure.  Haven't seen it again though.

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