This blog is for those of you that wish to keep up with all things Preston, Emily, and Jacob, while we are here in GA.
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Monday, February 20, 2012
I have finally finished the blanket I have been making for Jacob. Its not perfect, but I think it turned out ok. The edges were really hard. And of coarse when I asked Preston how he wanted his blanket (his is next), he wanted the edges too! Well at least I will get more practice with it. That will just mean if Emily wants the edges for her blanket hers will most likely look the best. Good news on the recital. Emily will get to be in it!!! Who-hew!!! Another little girl that signed up for it b/f the deadline in Nov had to move away, so her spot opened up. I don't know who is more excited about it - me or Emily!! I am glad she gets to be in it. I know it would have been hard for her as the recital drew nearer and all of her little friends getting to participate in the events but not her. So, am glad she won't be left out! I got WII fit from the kids and Dean for my birthday, but I think Preston has used it a lot more than me. I only use it once a day, he uses it like a game. He is so funny with it though. He doesn't officially use it for its actual purpose of losing weight. (Which am glad, b/c he really needs to gain weight not lose it). He plays it like a game. He puts it on the running one and he moves his hands really fast like he is running (he isn't though), and makes his guy fall down. That is what he likes to do (makes his character fall down - makes him laugh so hard - its really cute). Dean left this morning for his two weeks training at Ft Stewart. Ft Stewart is also in GA, so he is only 3 hours away. So, we may just drive down there this weekend to pick him up or see him. Not sure yet. If we can afford the hotel we might just stay there for the weekend, but if not, then will have to drive him back home. Will have to see. Either way, I know we will be doing something this weekend to be able to see him. Today is Dean's birthday, and since he had to leave very early this morning we celebrated his birthday yesterday. Got him a cupcake cake (since he isn't much of a cake person, and the kids are more int in cupcakes than cake), and some Blue Bell ice cream (this is what he is interested in). So, the kids got their cake and Dean got his ice cream. So, win - win! We also watched the He-Man movies that Aunt Beef sent the kids. Preston liked it a lot. The music kept making me laugh. Just basically He-Man over and over and over. Goofy 80's show. So, Dean wants to get Preston some of the He-Man toys. They are hard to find. So, not sure if I will be able to get any for Preston or not. Found some on e-bay but most people want to much for them, so will see what pops up in the future on that. Going to brave Joann's today with the 3 kids. (I know - I must have some sort of death wish or something). They have their patterns on sale today, and I want to get a few. So, am going to brave it. Hopefully (crossing fingers) the kids will be on somewhat decent behaviour. I know I won't have an issue with Jacob its the Preston and Emily constant fighting that I am worried about. Will see though. 9 more days and my baby boy will be 11 months old. Crazy!! He is starting to try and pull up on his own. If I stand him up on something (holding onto) he will stay, but up till now hasn't tried to pull himself up on anything. He started to try yesterday. He didn't get to far b/f he fell down, but he tried. So that is good.
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