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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Addition to 2/11/2012

Might have some good news on the ballet recital.  Dean took her today, so I didn't get a chance to talk to Emily's teacher, but apparently another girl that was registered has dropped out.  Her teacher said she would talk to me next Saturday about it.  So, hopefully, we can get Emily inserted into the recital now!!  Will keep you posted on that!  Preston had his first sewing class today.  No machines or anything like that, just a big needle and putting thread through some fabric to make a robot.  He picked out the colors, so of coarse green for the robot (his favorite color).  Blue is his next fav color, so he had to have a blue accent.  I did all the cutting for him, but he sewed it together.  He didn't do to bad of a job.  He got to stuff it since was double sided, so he had fun with that.  He named his robot Christopher.  So, I sewed a make shift C on the belt buckle.  Preston is being really cute with it, basically is referring to his robot as a person.  "He really likes it when I throw him up in the air and catch him".  "Momma, can you turn the fan off, so that when I throw him in the air he doesn't get cut".  Super cute!! 

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